Friday, November 13, 2009

Putting the Artful into Day Job

There's been altogether too much "day job" and not enough "artful" going on around here lately.

While my pile is getting more beautiful, it's still an awful lot of rocks. But part of the creative process is sorting and tossing and hoping you keep what you should. Today, I do believe I came across a really good one.

If you're a writer, you must check out FundsforWriters , C. Hope Clark's amazing site for writers who actually want to make money. Hope spends her time ferreting out grants, foundations, contests, and publishing venues of all kinds for writers--specifically because we can't--and offers them in regular newsletters and e-books.

Please note that she refuses to list any venues that don't pay money. In other words, no booby prize of three free copies for a 5-page essay. Thank you, Hope. Her hour-long interview on The Writing Show is also worth listening to, with tips not mentioned on the website. 

By the way, I'm not affiliated--just impressed, and very, very happy to have found her!

Well, back to the quarry.

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