Sunday, October 25, 2009

On Not Standing Still

I live in the wine country of Baja California, where the time changed last night.

This puts us an hour behind San Diego, directly to our north, and it'll stay that way for the next week until the US changes its time. I'm reminded of of the arbitrariness of time zones, Daylight Savings, and sometimes even national borders.

But did I enjoy that extra hour last night? You bet! Having no work and moving house are numbers 3 and 4 on someone's list of the 10 most stressful things in life . I think they're right. I could sleep for a week.

Nevertheless, for fun and professional fluff I've decided to enter the Phoenix Rattler Writing Contest for unpublished writers. This means I've finally got to get the first ten pages of Chapter One of my YA novel in submission shape this week. I've been dallying with this manuscript for too many months now, reaching for perfection. It's time to pick a solution and get on with it. Nothing like a deadline to kick in the spurs!

It's going to be a week full of writing, and maybe even some actual work. Of my 28 translation applications from last week, I've had a 10% return so far (not bad!)--and 5% of them were actively positive. They've got me in their stables now. Will they send work? Who knows? It's exciting, though, like digging for clams. Maybe this shovelful...or maybe this one....

If I'm learning one thing from this rather stressful time, it's that nothing happens if you stand still. A nudge here, a nudge there, and suddenly things start to pop. After two years of professional stasis, I'm launching a flotilla of messages into the void, like so many bottles on the sea, all saying the same thing: "I'm here."

Inch by inch, row by row...

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